Phoenix Cast

Meet Kat!

Phoenix Center at Auraria Season 4 Episode 7

Meet the PCA’s VPE intern, Kat!

Learn more about why Kat enjoys being at the PCA, what she is hoping to do with her degree, and hear what her favorite snack is!

NOTE: This episode was recorded right before the holidays! Our sexy stockings tabling has passed, and was super fun! :) 

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Meet Kat!

Fri, Feb 24, 2023 11:43AM • 17:31


people, awesome, interns, kat, offering, carrot, question, campus, social, msu, hidden talents, phoenix, interpersonal violence, grandma, pca, students, love, bit, read, outdoors


Kat Noriega, Carolyne Lanyero


Carolyne Lanyero  00:00

Hi, this is Caroline and you're listening to the Phoenix Cast. Hi, welcome back everyone. Today I am joined here was one of the interns Kat. Kat, can you go ahead and introduce yourself?


Kat Noriega  00:29

Yeah. Hi, I'm Kat. I am one of the violence prevention education interns here at the Phoenix Center. Yeah,


Carolyne Lanyero  00:37

Awesome. So, Kat's a little bit of our secret weapon. We've been meaning to get this podcast out for a while. But here's a little treat for you getting to know a little bit about her. And so can you just kind of start with like, What school do you go to what year in school? What do you do?


Kat Noriega  00:54

Yeah, so I am a senior at MSU Denver, and I am a social work major. I have a bit of an unconventional college history and went to CSU when I was 18, and had no idea what I wanted to do, and ended up leaving and coming back about seven years later, and finally wrapping up my final year of undergrad.


Carolyne Lanyero  01:20

Awesome. And so you mentioned your social work major. And do you have any minors?


Kat Noriega  01:25

No, I don't I don't have any minors. But I do love the Social Work program at MSU. Denver.


Carolyne Lanyero  01:31

Awesome. And so what do you hope just to go into social work in the future? What do you want to do with that?


Kat Noriega  01:37

So I thought a lot about trauma therapy in the past, and I also thought about correctional social work. But then I found, for lack of a better phrase, the perfect crossbreed between the two and I'd really love to go into victim advocacy and for human trafficking survivors.


Carolyne Lanyero  01:59

And so also, you mentioned, like the Social Work program at MSU, how you really love it, what do you love about it? And I guess what made you - what drew you to that, and MSU, in particular.


Kat Noriega  02:09

So I think that MSU offers a different level of education. It is the most diverse school in the state of Colorado. And I think that that, especially as a social work student, and going into the field itself is incredibly important to have that background. And I think the professor's themselves are very dedicated to diversity and inclusion and offering a level of education that incorporates those into our practice itself. 


Carolyne Lanyero  02:40

Awesome.Yeah, definitely needed. And so talking a little bit about your role at the PCA. So just to start out, how did you get involved - how'd you hear about the PCA?


Kat Noriega  02:52

So when choosing my field internship, I was offered a bunch of different programs. And the Phoenix Center really stood out to me, and offered a way of just getting involved in victim advocacy, kind of dipping my toe, especially in the line of work that I hope to be getting into in the future. But for the Phoenix Center itself, we as interns, are provided with an opportunity to work with students, faculty and staff in an array of environments. And the VP program itself gives us an opportunity to give presentations, put on events that promote awareness around interpersonal violence, and create campus flyers, social media content, and attend campus tabling as well.


Carolyne Lanyero  03:42

Awesome. Yeah. And so you mentioned like a little bit of what you do a little bit of your day to day, is there anything else that someone might be like surprised to learn that you do or anything like what would be your favorite parts of being an intern,


Kat Noriega  03:57

I think something that I have learned in the Social Work program here at MSU was advocating for yourself. And initially, when I started at the Phoenix Center, I felt like I was just kind of missing the one on one interactions with clients. And I spoke to my supervisor and the director and they were able to give me one day where I was able to work up at the front desk and I think that that has really helped me be able to get more knowledge and understanding and of what it takes to do intake or set appointments. And that is truly my favorite part is just engaging with clients one on one, so  Awesome. And so regarding like your position as well, is there anything that you're excited for anything of coming? Any hopes you may have or anything like you see, oh, maybe there is a need here, or there's this place like this part of the position could be developed? Um, well something that we have coming up is the sexy stocking tabling. And it's very similar to one of our previous table healings for Halloween. And I think that that's a fun way to engage with students. It offers a way for us to bring awareness to the safety and prevention, especially around the holidays with interpersonal violence. And so that is something fun that we have coming up. I think that the PCA does a really great job at bringing in different departments and partnering with different departments here on campus. So yeah.


Carolyne Lanyero  05:42

And then other than that, is there anything else like you're really looking forward to anything that you hope to bring to this position, or just maybe around auroria campus in general, like something you think could really help out like the students in the faculty and staff? I know that you mentioned you really liked that engagement piece. So is there anything like you'd want to do with that possibly?


Kat Noriega  06:03

Yeah, I think I'm not sure of anything right now. But I think something that I bring to the Phoenix Center or just to the campus as a whole, is offering that safe space for students to be able to confide in, I think something that I value a lot here is, especially working at the front desk is having students, faculty or staff make feel comfortable enough to make disclosures to you. And I think that that brings a level of importance to what I'm doing here and reminds me that of what I'm capable with in the future in a career. Yeah, awesome. And so yeah, I just will say, for anyone who has not met Kat or who has had the pleasure of meeting Kat and knowing her, I'd say, I personally see you definitely as a safe space as well. He seemed like a very safe and kind and caring person. So when you're talking about like that safe space and building that safe space, how do you go about that - like kind of what elements do you bring to in order to, like, cultivate that environment? I think it's about being able to read individuals, right, and being able to allow them the opportunity to say everything or nothing, and knowing when to step up and when to step back in a role too, is incredibly important. I always want to be able for anyone to be able to confide in me and disclose however much they want to or however little they want to. And it's about not pushing people to divulge everything that's happened to them or their circumstances. So being able to read others and where they're at and offering them as much support or confidentiality as you can. So 


Carolyne Lanyero  07:49

Well said. And so learning a little bit more about you. Do you have any fun facts that you like to say about yourself?


Kat Noriega  07:56

Oh, gosh, I was just telling one of our fellow interns, Hannah, but I have a carrot tattoo. But when I was little it was I went to the doctor and he asked me what my favorite snack was and I said a big juicy carrot. And  here we are about 29 years later, and it's still the same. 


Carolyne Lanyero  08:16

Wow, that is so pure. 


Kat Noriega  08:19

Yeah, I've gone to the movie theater and just carrying a bag of carrots.


Carolyne Lanyero  08:23

Carrots. Wow. Good for you. 


Kat Noriega  08:25

Yeah, thank you. 


Carolyne Lanyero  08:26

Oh, living healthy. We'd love to see it. Yeah. Also, do you have like, any hobbies? Any hidden talents? We don't know of like, yeah, that was something I didn't know, I didn't know you I had a carrot tattoo.


Kat Noriega  08:39

If I have any hidden talents that I- I wish I did. I'm hoping that they show up sometime in my life. Um, no, but I do. I love everything outdoors, just not to the extreme. Just I love leisurely activities outside and spending time with my grandma as well. She is my best friend. And so being around her just is a way for me to like refresh and reboot. But yeah.


Carolyne Lanyero  09:09

Awesome. And so just is it just spending time with her you guys like to do that you guys like to do and activities together.


Kat Noriega  09:17

She actually is one of the most creative people that I've ever known. And she's taught me to be very crafty. And so I'm just doing little projects here and there. We actually throw on the wheel together. And that's really fun for us to do together. And yeah, it's always been like a special thing that we share. So


Carolyne Lanyero  09:39

Yeah, for sure. I mean, that's definitely a hidden talent. That's not easy. That's fair. Okay, okay, noted. I'll keep that in the back of my mind. But yeah, any other hobbies you mentioned like outdoors. Do you like to, I don't know, read?


Kat Noriega  09:53

I do. I love to read. Um, one of my favorite books that I have ever read was Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall. And I think that that's actually something that I feel like every social work student or every student or person should read. And yeah, that's one of the best books I've read lately. So,


Carolyne Lanyero  10:14

So, so sorry, I'm jumping around a little bit here just trying to get some information. But in terms of like your different leisurely activities and being outdoors, is there a favorite like spot that you like to go to a lot? Are you more like a mountain person, valley, beach type thing?


Kat Noriega  10:32

Well, I do love the mountains. I grew up in Colorado up in Conifer, and we used to go to Twin Lakes a lot. But I actually lived out in Hawaii for a few years, and I missed the beach more than I could ever - than I ever thought I would. So yeah, yeah. So if I had to choose, I think I would be a beach girl or just the water in general. But 


Carolyne Lanyero  10:58

Okay, yeah. Do you think, so you live in Hawaii for three years? Yeah. Awesome. Do you want to ever go back? Or where do you see yourself kind of settling down in the future?


Kat Noriega  11:08

I mean, I would love to move back. But my Grandma's here. So for the time being, I am just soaking up Colorado, and just being home and enjoying every second. I would move everywhere if I could, though. So yeah


Carolyne Lanyero  11:21

Yeah, for sure. Awesome. And then, if you could, I feel like I always like to do these questions with everyone that can just like reveal a little bit about them. So describe your perfect day. 


Kat Noriega  11:34

Oh, perfect day. Gosh, um truly my perfect day. As much as I love the outdoors. Maybe it would be like a beautiful walk outside and just spending time with friends at the park. But then going home and just having a board game night. Honestly, the simple little things I think are the ones that are most pleasing to Me. And just being surrounded by good people and laughter and just having those quiet moments are the things that mean the most to me. 


Carolyne Lanyero  12:10

Yeah. And then also, I guess, when you're meeting someone or getting to know someone, what's something that you typically notice most about them or notice first?


Kat Noriega  12:22

I think that the way they carry - people carry themselves say everything, and I think that some people I'm more drawn to than others in the way that they treat others, and the way that they show grace to themselves and the people around them. I think that that's those are the individuals that I'm most drawn to and people that can really delve into those topics that you know, I have never been surface level and so just being able to dive deep into those conversations and talk about our childhood and our pasts are the people that I'm the most drawn to.


Carolyne Lanyero  13:02

Yeah, for sure. And thinking about like the also the people around you and things like that, who someone who makes you like really happy? And what is it about them? Or what is it that they do that makes you feel that way?


Kat Noriega  13:14

Um, I would have to say I have I would say my grandma for one and up to her view, she I call her Bam, she is truly just the softest soul and always been one to stand up for injustices and I am so proud to know her and to call her my grandma, my mom, all of it. I would also say that I have a great group of friends and support system that have very similar values. And I look up to all of them for so many different reasons. And so I take a lot of pride in calling them friends and family. So


Carolyne Lanyero  13:55

hey, this question is a little bit less heartfelt and deep. But if you have do you have any fashion hot takes, like any fashion trends that you've been like, why is that a thing? Or why was that a thing? Or why did we bring that back? And it should stay in the past or something like that?


Kat Noriega  14:12

That is a great question. You know, I still cannot understand the mullet. I can't grasp it, but that's bold. Yeah, but I kudos to people that can pull it off. Kudos to those that are attracted to it. I won't shame it but there I still can't grasp why it's back in.


Carolyne Lanyero  14:36

And then continuing on. What are your thoughts on spiders?


Kat Noriega  14:40

Spiders? Not as bad as snakes. But hey, I'm still I still don't.


Carolyne Lanyero  14:49

Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, acceptable, acceptable, make sense as it shouldn't be. Then also I just wanted to really get your thoughts on this question. And if Cinderella shoe was a perfect fit, then why did it fall off?


Kat Noriega  15:05

Oh, that's a great question. Oh, thank you. She she put too much lotion on.


Carolyne Lanyero  15:12

She lotioned 


Kat Noriega  15:13



Carolyne Lanyero  15:13

You heard it here first people if you're going out dancing, you're going out all night. Do not lotion up your feet. Okay. 


Kat Noriega  15:19

That's right.


Carolyne Lanyero  15:20

 Okay. Perfect. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you. And then just one other great, last question. What's something that's invisible, but you wish people could see?


Kat Noriega  15:32

Oh, wow. Oh, gosh, that's a great question too. I am not sure. I want to go deep.


Carolyne Lanyero  15:43

That is okay. Take your take whatever time you need. I know where to find you. Anyways, I'll be waiting for response.


Kat Noriega  15:50

Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, that's a good one.


Carolyne Lanyero  15:53

Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. I did look it up on Google. I was like, wow, this is fantastic. Awesome. Thank you so much. And is there anything else that you want to let mention last minute things anything to say to the audience out there?


Kat Noriega  16:07

Um, I would say to anyone who's looking for an internship here, or in their senior year for social work, I think that the Phoenix Center is truly an incredible place. I feel so supported each and every day that I'm here or even when I'm at home. And also it's just a group of really badass people. And I think that everybody is really dedicated to what they do. And so yeah, it if you're looking for an internship, your senior year, I would look into the Phoenix Center for sure. 


Carolyne Lanyero  16:24

Awesome. Thank you so much Kat. You're joining me today and answering all my questions. And thank you to all our listeners, please listen to our podcasts please. I was gonna say comment, like and subscribe. But then I realized you can't really do that on like Spotify, but look for our transcriptions. We'll be uploading those hopefully. And also, if you ever we are always looking for people to come on the podcast. If you ever have an idea, please reach out, email us, let us know. But other than that all of you have a fantastic day and take care of yourselves.